Jen YatesJen Yates lived with her own personal hero, in New Zealand. Her first three novels were written while teaching, when there was no time for research. Contemporary rural New Zealand romance was a great place to start. Retired and able to indulge her real passion, Jen wrote Romance set in the Regency era.
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Deryn PittarDeryn Pittar is an award-winning author, published in Sci.Fi., Fantasy, futuristic and contemporary Romance, Horror and Young Adult. She also writes short and flash fiction and dabbles in poetry. She belongs to several writing and poetry groups and enjoys feedback from her fellow authors. Her latest novel, “On the Wind’, a contemporary novel set in the back country of New Zealand, has just been released.

Kerry WhileyBorn and bred in West Sussex, Kerry emigrated to Aotearoa, New Zealand in 2002 with her husband and three daughters for their own further adventures. With a precious piece of Hawke's Bay to 'green up', Kerry enjoys growing for sustainability and sharing the knowledge and love of permaculture. However, the Sussex Downs will always have a special place in her heart.

Meg BuchananMegs lives in Paeroa with her husband and a black labrador and has been writing novels for ten years. She has fifteen books in three different series published under the Meg Buchanan pen name. The Hennessey Series is historical fiction set around gold mining in the Coromandel. The Trojan Gene Series, is Dystopian Scifi, also set in the Coromandel, and the Saturday Night Pub Band series, contemporary romance, set there too.
To check out their books, click on the author.

Connor McKenzieConnor McKenzie, who passed away earlier this year, began hunting in the early 1950s, gaining a reputation as a deer culler, possum hunter, helicopter shooter, and recreational outdoorsman. His adventures extended beyond New Zealand to include hunting and fishing in Alaska, Canada, and the American Northwest. Connor’s books reflect his passions, bringing to life the breathtaking landscapes of New Zealand and the unique challenges of outdoor adventure. Two of his upcoming titles explore the world of Westerns, while the rest focus on hunting, survival, and self-sufficiency.

Dale SilverLeslie Treadaway and Lorraine McLaughlin worked together as hairdressers in Silverdale, north of Auckland, and in a quiet moment decided to write a romance. A sentence here and a paragraph there until clients in the salon were able to read chapters as they were written and gave encouragement to carry on and so The Cutting Edge was born. A nom de plume was needed as the two names would take too much space on a cover and Dale Silver was an obvious choice as a nod to Silverdale. They have two more books in the pipeline.

Leigh D'AnseyLeigh D’Ansey writes Regency Romance from her home in New Zealand way down in the South Pacific. She lives in the magical Bay of Plenty in a unique landscape that could have been tailor-made for the writer’s life. Leigh shares her home with Cookie, the ginger cat, a small jungly garden, and too many books.

Denise FitzpatrickDenise Fitzpatrick is a born and bred New Zealander who developed a passion for reading and writing from an early age. Retirement from full-time business writing sparked her need to write creatively again. So, Detective Ian Anderson was born and he demanded his own series. Denise was happy to oblige. Her love for whodunits had come full circle. Now, she doesn't just read them, she writes them too.