Thunder Makes Me Cry- Prequel to On the Wind. Deryn Pittar

In the midst of a storm, Sarah finds comfort in the unexpected presence of James Nash.

Though their encounter begins oddly, it blossoms into a romance that tugs at the heartstrings, only to falter when Sarah uncovers James has deceived her.

Determined to pursue her dreams, she charts her own path, leaving James grappling with unfamiliar vulnerability. Desperate for her forgiveness, he embarks on a journey to find her.

Yet, shadows from the past haunt James, hindering his ability to express his true emotions. Can Sarah be the guiding light to thaw his icy exterior and unveil the depths of his love?

In this tender tale of connections lost and rediscovered, a thunderstorm becomes the catalyst for a journey of healing and newfound love.

On the Wind - Deryn Pittar

It started as an idea, a brilliant solution to their financial woes.

Sarah and James establish The Church of Contemplation as a legal charity to save their ailing farm-stay business- and avoid paying tax. It proves to be profitable and enjoyable. but being kind, grateful, and tolerant on a daily basis is a lot harder than they imagined.

Adding to the problems of accidents to guests and fireworks, a nosey journalist arrives and begins to query their motives.  He becomes a paying guest - and then he demands to join their business. Another problem to solve.

A life- threatening event causes them to reconsider their goals, their reason for establishing the church and how to continue, because not everyone in the family is happy with the present situation.

An entertaining slice of rural life in New Zealand, with a medley of interesting characters.

All this—and a wind phone!

Future Movers Series- Deryn Pittar

The Traveller - Deryn Pittar

In a universe where talents shape destinies, William possesses the incredible ability to traverse vast distances in the blink of an eye, while Belinda wields her mind to manipulate objects of immense weight.

Genetically altered and forged in the government's rearing-nursery, they escaped the clutches of their oppressors, only to face a new threat: discovery.

Years later, their paths converge, sparking a dangerous alliance. As their late-blooming talents emerge, they become hunted by the very government they fled. Freedom hangs in the balance, teetering on the edge of oblivion.

Bound by their shared past and uncertain future, William and Belinda must navigate a treacherous landscape of betrayal and intrigue. Can they trust each other enough to unlock the power of their love, or will they succumb to the relentless pursuit of the Defense Department?

In this gripping tale of survival and sacrifice, The Traveller explores a future where love defies all odds. But as they face the ultimate test of loyalty, William and Belinda must confront the one talent they cannot control - their hearts.

Time Manager - Deryn Pittar

In a pulsating dance of danger and love, Time Manager plunges you into a world where every second counts and love defies all odds.

James Corban, a master of time manipulation, leaps into action to save Sarah Coster from the clutches of a brutal attack in a bustling nightclub. As their hearts collide, James discovers Sarah shares his genetic alterations, binding them together in a forbidden romance.

But their passion ignites a firestorm of suspicion from the government, threatening to tear them apart. With Sarah carrying their unborn child, the stakes skyrocket as they face relentless interrogation from the Defense Department. Can they outwit the enforcers of authority, or will their love become a casualty of their secrets?

The Chameleon - Deryn Pittar

In the heart of the Australian outback, amidst scorching heat and breathtaking sunsets, sparks fly between Jill Corban and Dr. Michael Scott. But their romance is anything but ordinary.

Jill, seeking commitment, finds herself drawn to the enigmatic Michael, who has embraced the single life. Can they bridge the gap between their desires, or are they doomed to remain star-crossed lovers?

As their passion ignites, they are thrust into a world of danger and intrigue. Kidnappings, clandestine research trips, and shadowy government agents lurk in the background, threatening to tear them apart.

Light Spinner - Deryn Pittar

Stella Corban faces an impossible choice: risk her genetically altered family's safety for love or deny her heart's desire and lose the one man who sets her soul ablaze.

With unparalleled abilities, Stella navigates a world where love is the one force she cannot control. Despite her family's generations-long evasion of the Defence Department, a chance encounter between Matt Saunders and a government minister sends tremors of fear through Stella's heart, forcing her to distance herself from the man she loves.

But Matt refuses to yield. From the sun-drenched outback to the bustling cityscape and beyond, he relentlessly pursues Stella, determined to prove that their love is worth any risk.

Memory Collector - Deryn Pittar

Thomas Winters finds himself at a crossroads: a chance encounter with Kate Bentley, a woman with a remarkable gift, ignites a spark of hope in his lonely heart.

As he gently pursues her, Thomas uncovers Kate's extraordinary ability to see memory bubbles, a power she uses to preserve her father's fading recollections. But Thomas suspects there's more to Kate than meets the eye. Could she be genetically altered like him? Determined to uncover the truth, he enlists the help of his old friend William Corban, plunging them both into a world of secrets and uncertainty.

Angel, Dragons and Things That Go Bump in the Night Series- Deryn Pittar

Lutapolii - Deryn Pittar

Dragons can't swim and they can't catch seals -but Lutapolii can.

Lutapolii, a puny white dragon, escapes to the south to avoid his mother’s mocking words. He learns to dive, swim and catch seals until winter creeps up on him and he finds himself stranded.

With luck on his side, he manages to survive, and returns home in the spring, stronger, taller and very handsome – for a dragon.

After discovering he has been declared dead by the dragon queen, Lutapolii considers this absolves him of all loyalty and decides to establish a flight of his own in the southern seas. All he needs is a handful of lady dragons. Can he steal them from the queen's flight?

Jasper's Bloodlines - Deryn Pittar

Counselling might help Jasper overcome his fear of the dark – if only his counsellor didn’t smell so delicious!

In the intricate dance between darkness and desire, Jasper grapples with his dual nature as a half-vampire. Counselling beckons as a beacon of hope, yet its allure is tainted by the intoxicating scent of his therapist.

With a vampire father and a human mother, Jasper's existence straddles two worlds, each pulling him in conflicting directions. As he battles his primal instincts and the relentless demands of his mundane life, he finds solace in the enigmatic Ms. Davidson.

Angelfire - Deryn Pittar & Meg Buchanan

Emma isn’t looking for trouble. She’s an angel in hiding – but her evil brother has found her. She’s been chosen as this year’s offering for Halloween, and she’s prepared to fight to the death to prevent it happening.

Her neighbor is home on leave: Handsome, fighting fit and after one meeting their mutual attraction is sparking. Can she dare to ask for his help? Will he believe her?

Novellas by Deryn Pittar

Luck be a Lady- Deryn Pittar

Meet Charles Paterson, a seasoned Private Investigator with a unique twist—he's battling agoraphobia, a fear that keeps him locked within the confines of his own home. But don't mistake his condition for weakness; it's merely a hurdle he's determined to overcome.

In a bid to reclaim his life, Charles adopts Lady, a rescue dog whose companionship becomes his lifeline. With Lady by his side, he plunges back into the world of crime-solving, taking on seemingly routine cases—a missing wife, a lost dog, a suspected cheating husband. Yet, beneath the surface of these bread-and-butter cases lie dark secrets waiting to be unearthed. Is the missing wife truly a wife, or is there something more sinister at play? And could a murder have slipped under the radar?


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